Assumes responsibility for fostering the well-being of the classroom community (fixing a mess, participating in group games).
Includes peers in daily activity - lunches/snack, group work, outdoor play
Recovers from disappointment
Embraces new experiences
Collaborates and compromises in group interactions
Follows social interaction conventions (“please”, “thank you”, “excuse me”, etc.)
Identifies virtues in self and others
Respectful of others body space and work space
Executive Functions
Choose work appropriately and independently
Completes a work cycle independently
Maintains focus amid peer interactions
Attends to detail and care in final products (projects, papers, presentations)
Invests maximum effort in projects that can take more than one day to complete
Persists in the face of challenge
Works toward mastery rather than adult approval
Refrains from interrupting ongoing conversation
Plans and reflects on work - as represented in a work journal or daily/weekly planner.
Linguistic and Cultural Fluency
Reads words containing phonograms, recognizing phonograms in both onset and rime
Demonstrates key comprehension skills, including predicting textual meaning, skimming for main ideas, scanning for detailed information, and reading for inferred adn/or implied meanings
Identifies main ideas, arguments, and evidence in a persuasive text
Evaluates factual and persuasive texts
Presents opinions and questions about a literary text supported by simple evidence from the text
Uses knowledge about the structure of different types of texts, as well as grammar and vocabulary patterns, to compare different writing styles and to expand and enhance meaning-making in sentences and texts
Identifies the purpose of parts of factual texts (title, author, table of contents/menu, text, illustrations, diagrams and tables, index, bibliography)
Recognizes a variety of factual and persuasive texts in a variety of forms, including: prose, letter-writing, images, diagrams, tables, flow charts, multimedia (paper-based, digital and web-based)
Recognizes and identifies a variety of forms of literature (drama, poetry, myths, fables, etc.)
Demonstrates cursive handwriting skills (letter formation, directionality, slope, starting and finishing points, joins, placement on line)
Uses digital technology, when appropriate, for communication, record-keeping, creative writing and project work
Edit written texts using feedback from peers and adults
Explores and evaluates own style, and the style of other writers, using knowledge about the elements of writing, including structure of different types of text, grammar patterns, knowledge of vocabulary
Composes and presents written literary, factual and persuasive texts
Understand the purpose and structure of a paragraph and use of flow of related paragraphs to compose texts in their own writing
Use appropriate intonation, gestures and eye contact when speaking
Uses conversational and academic words and phrases in context and demonstrate understanding of the nuances in word meaning
Recognizes and use the parts of words (word bases; prefixes; suffixes)
Demonstrates a variety of spelling strategies (sounding it out, identifying consonant and vowel patterns, identifying onset and rime, syllabification, visualization, etymology, spelling patterns, association with known words
Appropriately uses punctuation marks (full stop, comma, question mark, exclamation mark, colon and semi-colon, quotation marks, hyphen and dash) and capitalization in written work
Recognizes and identifies the function of all parts of speech, their grammar symbol and place them in sentences effectively
Analyzes simple sentences to identify subject, predicate, direct object, attributive and appositive structures, adverbials, indirect objects and write simple sentences which include all parts
Understands one to one correspondence and number symbol for 1 to 1,000
Understands place value through 1,000,000. Understands the patterns and relation of unit, tens and hundreds families. Use place value to align multi-digit equations
Solves whole number mathematical problems using all four operations with Montessori materials (to the materials full place value capacity) moving towards abstraction
Memorizes addition (0-10), subtraction (0-10) and multiplication facts (0-12)
Understands inverse relationships of addition & subtraction and multiplication & division.
Explores commutative and associative laws as well as inverse operations with whole numbers
Uses vocabulary for talking about addition (first addend, second addend, sum), subtraction (minuend, subtrahend, difference), multiplication (multiplicand, multiplier, product) and division (dividend, divisor, quotient)
Demonstrates understanding of the language (whole, fraction) and notation of fractions from halves to tenths
Uses vocabulary for talking about the parts of a fraction (numerator, denominator, fraction line)
Demonstrates understanding of equivalent fractions, raising and reducing fractions and ordering fractions
Adds and subtract fractions with same denominators, and multiplies and divides fractions by whole numbers
Measurement and Geometry
Understands time (year, day, hour, minute, second) and can read a clock to the minute
Understands units of money (dollars and cents) their value and the concept and use of money
Uses a variety of tools and techniques to measure time, weight, length, height, distance, volume and temperature
Solves problems with measurement, time, volume and mass
Measures and estimates length in standard units
Finds area and perimeter
Collects information and represents data in graphs and tables
Recognizes and names plane geometry shapes: triangle, square, circle, types of triangles, types of quadrilaterals, regular polygons, pentagon, hexagon, heptagon, octagon, nonagon, decagon, curved figures, compound and curvilinear figures
Understands fundamental geometry concepts: point, line, surface, solid
Identifies types of lines (straight, curved), parts (origin, ray), position (horizontal, oblique, vertical), and the relationship between two lines (parallel, convergent, divergent, transversal, perpendicular)
Identifies types of angles (acute, obtuse, whole, convex, reflex) and parts (vertex, arm) and measure angles using degree as a unit of measure
Explains the concepts of symmetry, congruent, similar and equivalent using Montessori materials
Cultural Subjects (Geography, Science, History)
Understands and interprets a timeline
Can discuss key elements related to the formation of the universe and earth
Identifies and discusses fundamental needs of humans
Can name and discuss the earth’s physical characteristics
Names the continents and some of the countries of the world as well as the states of the US
Uses language related to geological time scale to discuss the history of the universe and earth
Uses the three kingdoms (mineral, plant, animal) to guide discussion of the earth
Recognizes and names three states of matter (solid, liquid, gas) and explains how matter changes state
Identifies major bodies of the solar system
Identifies and names parts of the plant - leaf, root, stem, flower, fruit, seeds
Identifies and names classification of living things - kingdoms, phyla, etc.
Identifies and names biological structures and functions of - cells, systems, photosynthesis, etc.
Identifies and names components of matter - elements, atoms, molecules, cells, etc.