Governance » Governance


The Hayward Twin Oaks Montessori School's Board of Directors is made up of volunteer community members and parents. The Board of Directors is responsible for Charter implementation; selecting, evaluating, and supporting the Superintendent; high-level organizational goals and policies; overseeing management and organizational performance; acting as external advocates and diplomats in public policy, fundraising, and stakeholder/community relations; and addressing concerns referred to the Board by the Superintendent.


The Board holds a regular meeting on the fourth Monday of the month at 5 p.m., (unless there is a holiday or school break, in which the meeting will be held on the third Monday) Advance notice will be provided for any schedule changes. The Board meetings are working sessions where the Board conducts the business of the school. All meetings are held in person at this time, though the public may attend virtually. There is designated time for public comment at all board meetings. 

Communication with Board Members

Parents and members of the community are encouraged to communicate directly with the Superintendent on topics related to school operations or individual student matters.


Next Board Meeting: Hayward Twin Oaks' Board of Directors will hold its next monthly board meeting on Monday, February 24, 2025 @ 5:00 PM.