Elementary Community (1st - 6th) » Family Handbook and Policies

Family Handbook and Policies

Family Handbook: The 2024-25 Family Handbook is now available. Please refer to the handbook to find information on a variety of topics and please feel free to contact the office if you need further assistance.

Acceptable Use of Technology: Students have access to electronic devices for school use and educational software. In addition, students are issued a Google email (G-Mail) account in the @haywardtwinoaks.org domain and through that account have access to Google's suite of tools including Google Calendar, Google Docs, and Google Classroom. Students are authorized to use technology resources and services in accordance with user obligations and responsibilities specified in the Acceptable Use of Technology Agreement that students/families receive annually.   

Students Needing Medication at School: If your student needs to receive medication (prescription or over-the-counter medicine) during the school day, please submit to the office an Authorization to Administer Prescribed and Over-the-Counter Medicine form signed by both the parent and a physician. Medication cannot be dispensed at school without this completed form which must be submitted annually or when there is a change in the medication to be given. For more information, review the Policy on Administration of Medicine, Anti-Seizure Medication, Emergencies and Head Lice.


SELPA for Special Education: Our school is a member of the Sonoma County SELPA. The role of the SELPA is to support special education students in achieving a high level of academic/functional performance according to national, state, and local standards. To assure this outcome, the SELPA provides information, resources and support to students, parents, and school staff. View the SELPA's Local Plan and Annual Budget


Title IX, Harassment, Intimidation, Discrimination, and Bullying Policy: The Title IX, Harassment, Intimidation, Discrimination and Bullying Policy prohibits any acts of discrimination, harassment, intimidation or bullying. Any student who feels she/he is a target of such behavior should immediately contact a teacher, Principal, or other school staff person, or a family member so that she/he can get assistance. While submission of a verbal complaint is considered official, the reporting party is encouraged to complete the complaint form in the policy document and submit to the Principal. Please see the handbook.   


Parent Concerns: If you have a concern about your child’s experience at school, please speak with your student’s teacher. After speaking with the teacher, if you feel more discussion is needed, please make an appointment with the Principal. If a resolution is still not achieved, the Family Handbook outlines in further detail the additional information summarized below.


Dispute Resolution Process

Our school is committed to an open atmosphere in which any concern, suggestion, or complaint (issue) will receive a timely and respectful response. The Family Handbook outlines the Dispute Resolution Process which is to be used when a problem or concern has been brought to the attention of the responsible party, but the outcome or proposed solution is not to both parties’ satisfaction. 


Uniform Complaint Procedure

Our school is primarily responsible for compliance with federal and state laws. If the complaint or issue relates to a protected class of issues as defined by the California Department of Education, or requirement to pay a fee for a school sponsored activity, then the complainant can also choose to use the Uniform Complaint Procedure.  A printed copy of the Uniform Complaint Procedure can also be provided free of charge by the school’s office. 


Educational Records and Student Information Policy: The Educational Records and Student Information Policy outlines the management of educational records and student information. For more information email [email protected].


Professional Boundaries (Staff/Students Interactions): In compliance with Ed Code 44050, Hayward Twin Oaks Montessori publishes its policy from the Staff Handbook regarding Staff and Student Interactions.


Suicide Prevention Policy: The Youth Suicide Prevention Policy outlines the schools prevention, intervention, and postvention policy. For more information email [email protected].


Integrated Pest Management Plan: The Elementary Campus has an Integrated Pest Management Plan outlining procedures on proactively preventing pests and managing pest situations.


Safe Haven School: Our school is committed to the education of all children and making our campus a safe zone for students and families threatened by immigration enforcement. View the Board of Director's resolution (March 2017).      La resolución también está disponible para revisión en español.   


Other Policies

If you have questions about a particular school policy, please contact the office at 510.931.7868 or email [email protected].