Assumes responsibility for fostering the well-being of the classroom community (fixing a mess, participating in group games).
Includes peers in daily activity - lunches/snack, group work, outdoor play
Handles strong emotions constructively and can self regulate back to calmDemonstrates a growing sense of self-awareness of strengths and potential for growth
Embraces new experiences, demonstrating confidence in skills
Collaborates and compromises in group interactions
Follows social interaction conventions (“please”, “thank you”, “excuse me” etc.)
Demonstrates capacity to understand situations from multiple perspectives
Tolerates ambiguity in social and emotional situations
Recognizes and respects social, emotional and physical boundaries; understands the concept of consent
Executive Functions
Choose work appropriately and independently
Completes a work cycle independently
Maintains focus amid peer interactions
Attends to detail and care in final products (projects, papers, presentations)
Invests maximum effort in projects that can take more than one day to complete
Persists in the face of challenge
Works toward mastery rather than adult and peerapproval
Intrinsicly motivated rather than external rewards
Works cooperatively with younger students and are role models for their younger peers
Plans and reflects on work - as represented in a work journal or daily/weekly planner
Linguistic and Cultural Fluency
Demonstrate reading skills and strategies, including: navigating and understanding the structure of written and multimodal texts, predicting the meanings in a text, skimming a text for the main ideas, scanning a text for detailed information, reading for inferred and/or implied meanings, and recognizing how a text shapes opinions and point of view
Supports opinions using evidence from a range of literary texts (prose, poetry, picture books, drama, film, multimedia texts, e-literature)
Reads factual descriptions, information reports and explanations (wording and images) in order to complete research tasks
Uses digital technology, when appropriate, for communication, record-keeping, creative writing and research project work
Proofreads and edits written texts, using feedback to improve written work including redrafting and reorganizing parts of a sentence and written text to enhance clarity and effectiveness
Uses knowledge of text types, grammar patterns, style and vocabulary in innovative and creative ways in own writing
Composes texts that achieve complex purposes by combining the features of two or more text types
Cites sources and include quotes in writing to support their final project
Demonstrates performance skills: reading aloud, rhythm and movement in speech, reading and performing rhymes, poetry and songs, spoken and multimedia presentations, reports and speeches, voice production, improvising and acting out roles, use of dialogue in performance, and demonstrates performance oratoricals skills.
Demonstrates knowledge of spelling strategies: sounding out, identifying consonant and vowel patterns, identifying onset and rime, syllabification, visualization, etymology, spelling patterns, association with known words
Identifies and analyzes clauses in complex sentences and labels according to dependency (independent clauses, dependent clauses) and type (main/principal clause, adjectival clauses, adverbial clauses, noun clauses used as subject, object or indirect object), and uses clauses in writing tasks (creating, writing and research)
Demonstrates understanding of squares and cubes of numbers and the relationship between cubes of numbers
Demonstrates understanding of square root and cube root
Demonstrates understanding of binomial and trinomial equations
Solves complex real-world and mathematical problems using all four operations
Demonstrates automaticity, speed and accuracy of number fact recall and application to master level
Demonstrates fluency with decimals including solving complex real-world and mathematical problems using all four operations
Demonstrates understanding of the relationship between fractions, decimals and percentages
Demonstrates fluency with fractions including solving complex real-world and mathematical problems using all four operations with fractions
Demonstrates understanding of powers of numbers including all four operations
Measurement and Geometry
Demonstrates understanding in finding the best unit of measure and solves complex real-world and mathematical problems involving measurement (time, length, mass, and temperature), area, surface area, and volume
Converts measurement units (e.g. ounces to pounds)
Demonstrates an understanding of data collection, representation and interpretation techniques and tools (graphs, plots and frequency distributions)
Graphs points on a coordinate plane
Demonstrates understanding of estimation and comparison
Classifies two-dimensional shapes by the properties of their lines and angles
Demonstrates understanding of angles, measurement of angles and the numerical relationship between angles
Demonstrates understanding of symmetry, similarity, congruence and equivalence
Cultural Subjects (Geography, Science, History)
Identifies significant evolutionary transitions: from water to land, from small to large needing support, enlargement at top of spinal column to brain, development of senses, and circulation system with heart
Demonstrates general knowledge and understanding of human history from the Paleolithic to the present
Demonstrates knowledge and understanding of atmospheric phenomena, including air pressure, wind systems, sea and land breezes, temperature, and planetary winds
Applies knowledge of chemistry to plants and their functions: making food, nitrogen cycle, photosynthesis
Understands the evolution of vital functions in living things and the development of t specific function of organs, from protozoa to mammal
Understands the tree of life and the taxonomy of living things
Understands human geography (human interdependencies, natural resources and industries, and import and exports)
Understanding of Periodic Table, Elements, and Atomic Mass and Number
Understanding of the relationship between Volume, Density, and Mass